Sunday, January 19, 2014

I Practice Self Reiki Everyday

 So you hear me talk about about Reiki all of the time and you're probably wondering.....What is it?
Well, here is a short video explaining Reiki in a nut shell :)

As a child I was always plagued with terrible stomach aches and no one could figure out why? I would lay in bed with no hope or options for relief. Many times out of despair I would position my hands over my abdomen and start a slow and gentle massage. During this massage I would more or less pray to God for healing and relief. I would continue this prayer and massage for about 15 minuets and after that.......I was asleep! If you know anything about sleep you know this is time of relaxation and healing. The fact that I possessed the ability to enter this state through all of the pain has always intrigued me.
As I grew older I always heard the phrase, "Mind over Matter". I remember thinking how true that statement really was. So many times when I thought my physical body was going to give up, I would power through with thought. I could get through almost anything if I found that "happy" place in my mind and let those thoughts radiate through my body. Then I's not just me who can do this, everyone can! We all in some form change the energy around us and with in us to do many things. 9 times out of 10 if you focus your energy on any one task, your odds of succeeding are good.
When I started working for Aveda I became familiar with a relaxation experience. The guest would sit in an upper body massage chair and they would receive a short relaxation ritual with Aveda Blue Oil Balancing Concentrate. There is an Aveda technique offered in salons and experience centers that we had to follow and every employee had to offer this service. However, my relaxation ritual always ended up differently. When I would lay my hands on my guest I would feel different waves of emotion. I most always began to pray for this person and I really tried to focus on bringing them into a relaxed state and diffusing all of the negative energy from around or within. My guests were always very happy and usually in a state of euphoria after the ritual was complete. Cool!
Cho Ku Rei
What was it though? Why do people feel better when I offer them love and compassion. Can me focusing all this positive energy on a person really promote healing? The answer is yes! I found all this in Reiki and Chakra Balancing (Another post in a later date). Now, this is what I love to do! I'm super excited because next month I will be receiving my second attunement and practicing distance healing for others :) I will be sharing my journey to healing on this blog and I look forward to showing you all of the incredible joy that comes with practicing Reiki :)   

If you are interested in experiencing Reiki for yourself send me an email to to set an appointment :)

1 comment:

  1. Great blog for creating awareness about massage chair. I am also using massage chair for body pain relaxation and this is the most important for everyone. Try these massage chair and feel the comfortableness in your body.
