Saturday, November 16, 2013

Keep It Simple Shally

I am on overload. Too much work. Too many rules. Too many goals. Too many expectations. So........ I am cutting back on everything! OK, not everything but most things. When I first started the journey to less I was mistaken. I was taking away material stress but I forgot to get rid of the emotional and spiritual stress as well.

In order for me to grow I know I need to pull some weeds. So that is what I am doing. I am evolving. The past is meaningless to me as you can see. Everything that was, has evolved into what is.......and I am only going to focus on that. I will take the time to stop and smell the roses or whatever flowers I may find on the way :) Quality vs. Quantity

Shally B is FREE!!!!!!!

Makeup! My first love :)

Take a moment to smell the flowers :)